Carrying cash has become something you might not always see from people. This is because credit cards have taken the throne and now are used by almost everyone around the world. People buy practically anything with a card. Another thing that has become common in the past few years is traveling with cards. With a good credit card, you can get so many privileges. By starting from cashback to earning free trips. But how can we choose from the unlimited number of cards in the market? It is for sure hard to understand which cards have good benefits for traveling. But when you know what you are looking for, do thorough research, and understand which cards have the most advantages, you can easily find the one card for traveling that will suit your interests.
What to look for in a travel card?
If you travel frequently, having the right travel card can help you get exciting perks and benefits. With your travel card, you can have a chance to get cheaper prices, have easier transactions, and enjoy the privileges of cashback and rewards. Choosing a credit card will be a bit hard, considering the endless options out there. But when you figure out which perks and benefits are for you, it will become so easy! So what should you look for in a travel card? According to research done by local experts in Sweden, 63% of people look for the following information when getting a travel card:
- Cashback and rewards
- Insurance coverage
- Withdrawal and exchange fees
Comparing the features and the advantages of credit cards will be the first thing in your mind when you decide to have one for yourself. A recent study has reported that 42% of people who travel abroad a lot choose a credit card, which will also have reasonable features for travel. The statistics show that Europeans tend to do more research in finding the best suitable credit card for them. Recently, a Swedish organization has arranged a social survey about the actions Swedes take when looking for a credit card or loan for their travels. It appears, 52% of the people who have taken part in the survey compare the features of the cards. 29% of them take the one, which is the most recommended, and the rest of the participants do not have any special preferences.
So when you decide on comparing the cards before getting them, Swedish online platforms that compare different credit cards, such as, can give you loads of information and opportunities to compare both Visa and MasterCard cards, that are perfect for traveling.
When comparing credit cards, you can go through a list of criteria, such as cashback and rewards, interest rates, annual fees, credit, etc.
Cashback and rewards
Many credit cards have reward programs, allowing you to get points during your travel, receive miles when flying with particular airlines, or cashback on all your travel purchases. And when you earn those points, you can later redeem them with free flights, free nights at specific hotels, or free gifts from any travel-related places, making your trip more affordable and convenient. During a local survey done in 2020, 16% of the participants from Sweden have mentioned that getting points or cashback from a credit card has made their traveling experiences more enjoyable and relaxing. A similar approach is done by the Collector Bank which issued a card with cashback and private rewards for individuals based on their travel preferences. Moreover, it allows you to get travel insurance and compensation in case of any delays or accidents. Familiarize yourself with the terms of Collector Easyliving card before applying for it.
Insurance coverage

Everyone acknowledges that things can sometimes go the opposite way they planned during the trip. And in that case, many credit cards offer insurance protection in case something unplanned happens. Be it a trip cancellation, flight delay, lost luggage, or any other unpleasant situation – many common insurance packages cover those extra expenses. So, for instance, if you haven’t received your luggage during a transit trip, the delayed luggage insurance can provide you with cash to get the essential personal belongings until your luggage arrives. For Swedish people, who travel abroad and want to avoid such unpleasant situations, the Collector Bank provides another excellent opportunity. With Collector Easycard, you will have travel insurance and get cancellation protection or compensation in case of any circumstances.
Withdrawal and Exchange fees
And last but not least, Swedes have remarked that they always try to avoid extra fees when paying abroad. Paying extra money during a trip is the last thing people want to have in general. And many credit cards charge extra fees for your purchases or withdrawals overseas. Finding a card that does not add a fee or, at least, imposes a small amount for purchases abroad is a great advantage. Currently, there is a positive approach in Swedish credit cards, offering low exchange fees abroad, which is an inexpensive option for travelers.
The bottom line is, when you want to get a credit card that would be beneficial for your travels, quick research and comparison is an excellent decision. Analyzing the options you have, you can find the one that gives the most value to your preferences.